Dental Health & Tourism Services


Orthodontics Dental Treatment

Orthodontics are a branch of dentistry that helps treat jaw disorders and crooked teeth. 

Orthodontic treatments help teeth reach the form they need to be arranged in through movement with materials placed over the teeth. It is a method of treatment people who have aesthetic concerns primarily prefer.

Orthodontic treatment can be done when crooked teeth are observed during a dental checkup under the supervision of an orthodontist by age 12-13, after the children’s baby teeth have all fallen out. Orthodontics have no application of age. It is a treatment method that adult individuals can choose as well.


What are Orthodontic Treatment Methods?

Orthodontic Treatments have a few methods.

It has treatment methods administered with metal brackets, aesthetic dental wire, Lingual or invisible dental wires, and wire-free Invisalign transparent plaques known as wire-free orthodontics.

The orthodontist presents the person with preferable options based on the suitability after examining these treatment methods in detail.


Metal Bracket treatment

is administered with metal wires on the front of the teeth.


Treatment with Aesthetic Dental Wires

is administered with tooth-colored porcelain brackets with an aesthetic appearance to the front face of the teeth. The application method is the same as with the metal wires.


The Lingual invisible dental wire method

is completed by placing metal brackets prepared specially for each person to the back face of the teeth. Because they are stuck to the back faces of the teeth, nobody notices that you are receiving orthodontics treatment unless you point it out.


The Invisalign, or Wire-free Orthodontic treatment method

is a treatment method that has the properties of removing and attaching transparent plaques designed specially for each person whenever you want.

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